12 Sensational Skyline Views
June 23, 2019
One of the ironies of living is that a city is that everybody wants a view, but the majority of men and women consider a brick wall about ten feet out their window. Such was my first apartment in new york, and while my second flat overlooks a road, my only distant view is the uprights of a bridge … when I press my nose into the glass. Everybody desires that drop-dead city view, however, only a few ever get it. Regardless, it is still nice to drool over some of those skyline views the people who can afford them get. This article highlights a few of those perspectives, basking in other people’s pleasures.
Axis Mundi
This gut renovation of a duplex near Astor Place in Manhattan looks north toward the Empire State Building (left). The spire of Grace Church and other buildings nearby Union Square sit in the foreground. They all culminate in a stunning view with plenty of ups and downs.
Glenn Gissler Design
The flowers might be the point of the picture, but I am drawn to the midtown Manhattan skyline. Not many people can boast of opinions of the Chrysler Building (left) along with the Empire State Building (right). Why block that view with flowers?
Drew McGukin Interiors @drewmcgukin
This bedroom in Manhattan’s Chelsea area takes advantage of river views. I enjoy how the buildings throughout the water seem to be propped upon the guardrail beyond the window.
James Hill Architect, AIA
On par with New York City perspectives are ones in San Francisco, where there is a more powerful city-nature equilibrium. This grand vista reaches past the city to distant hills.
Zack|de Vito Architecture + Construction
This photo gives the impression which the kitchen along with the road illuminated below function to point to the distant island.
John Maniscalco Architecture
Possessing a view where one can glimpse a suspension bridge from 1 end to another means, among other items, the only direction from there is down.
jamesthomas Interiors
In my hometown of Chicago, my very best view was of the Sears Tower miles off when I poked my head outside the kitchen window. This view of the Sears Tower in the north, using all the Merchandise Mart in between, is just magnificent.
Elad Gonen
I am not sure in what city this building is situated, but it is apparently one of the tallest around. Views through the ample glass walls extend into a bay in the space, and beyond even.
CONTENT Architecture
However, not all city views need be of rooftops. This loft in Houston appears into the center of distant buildings, flatting them in a painting-like canvas on the window.
Chicago Green Design Inc..
Previous examples looked outside from inside, however, the last few step on terraces to take in views which are more expansive. This rooftop deck just west of the bend of the Chicago River has a fantastic view of the curving 333 Wacker Drive along with other Loop buildings to the south east west.
Harold Leidner Landscape Architects
Dallas might not boast as distinctive a skyline as New York, Chicago or San Francisco, but it is still one to be taken advantage of in the ideal circumstance. This ample rooftop takes in all the downtown skyscrapers.
John Maniscalco Architecture
And finally, I stand corrected in saying one can only go down by a view of a complete suspension bridge. One will go up to the roof and take in the view and the heavens over!